More stuff has come to light! So against my better judgement - here is page 3!
I think this is just going to be in the nature of an album - so I'm not going to make too many comments!
Sorry about the marginal quality of many of these pix. Most Gardetanz sites only post small jpgs and they don't resize upwards well without showing all that nasty jpg fringing and stuff.
This KaGeMuWa site is typical - lots of small pix!
These ones are more like the size I like!
Here are some group shots.
OK, time to go outside and see the carnival procession!
Another troupe that wears sunray pleated satin skirts. Somewhere there must be decent photos - but where???
This is a nice series!
I've got about another 3 large series which would fill another webpage - so I might as well carry on with it. Hope you're not totally bored!